November 9, 2015


insomnia at night, hypersomnia at day. somebody help me.

October 27, 2015


getting hurt by a knife is nothing compared to being hurt by your beloved ones. 
makes me wanting to leave this world everynight.


The perk of being funny and full of sense of humor all the time is, when you're really get hurt, nobody believes in you.

yeah it is funny that sometimes i get hurt too.

July 27, 2015


depresi menjenguk sekali-sekala. anxieti masih setia.

July 19, 2015


Rasanya tahun ni first time aku tak sambut raya.

July 12, 2015


Kau datang mengetuk pintu yang memisah realiti dan fantasi,
saat aku menjenguk menerima aturan,
asap hitam menerobos masuk,
menarik aku yang sedang menghulur tangan,
cuba mencapai sang realiti,
namun tiada berdaya,
maka tersandar aku dalam ruang fantasi,
terperangkap lagi,

lalu pintu realiti terkunci lagi.

datang kembali wahai realiti bawa aku pergi.
keranamu aku tidak mahu di sini.


Andai dapat kau baca aku umpama betis di balik belahan kain sutera lembut berwarna putih jarang,
andai dapat kau baca aku umpama buku terlontar di lantai timbul tulangnya,
andai dapat kau baca aku umpama jernih buih tembus latarnya,
andai dapat kau baca aku umpama dahan rapuh patah menghempas bumi,

aku ini umpama burung berwarna hitam,
patah sayap tidak mampu terbang,
kalau diiring aku mampu terbang malah melayang,
merentasi alam benua ciptaan Tuhan Maha Sempurna.


cerita cinta tidak kesampaian adalah satu kepedihan mutlak bagi kau yang selalu bergelumang dalam dunia sedih berirama balada bertopeng derita bernama wanita.

maka aku juga kau jadikan sebahagian kepedihan itu lantaran aku bersifat penyiksa jiwa pelakar duka penyonteng lara seorang wanita.

dengan itu tiada mahu kau dustakan.
dan aku relakan.

celaka lah kisah kita!


kau ada semua aku suka,
tapi kau suka semua aku tiada.

aku cuba, walau bukan aku.

sampai bertemu titik noktah pada hujung nanti.

July 10, 2015


Rindu Bold Alchemize.

June 3, 2015


Final year project. Another day another struggle.

April 22, 2015


I notice everything. And by everything, I literally mean everything. I notice when someone stops hitting me up like they used to. I notice when the way someone talks to me starts changing. I notice the little things that people do, and the little things they used to do. I notice when things change, and when it’s no longer the same. I notice every single little detail. I just don’t say anything.

April 14, 2015


whenever i miss the memory, i also miss the person behind all those memory.

Oh i think i'm gonna cry.


you should probably stay away from me because i'm such an overly-attached-kind-of person. You don't want to end up with people like me.

April 12, 2015


80% of my inner thoughts  wanting to be born as a male.


April 10, 2015


i used to be a person who is always happy, brave, independent,
tough,can-handle-everything kind of person back then,
that's why they never really care whenever i got sick, i was hurt,
i was crying, i was broken because they would think that i can
handle all that.

one thing that they'd never knew,

that my heart is very shallow,
and its made from a very thin piece of glass,
always fall into a deep sadness,
that woukd make me fall into a coma,
and there's no one who's gonna wake me up.

it's a shame to say that i am no longer that person
that i used to be.

February 14, 2015


How do you deal with becoming overly attached to people?

Lately i've started to realize that I get overly attached to people, and I feel as though no one thinks much of me.

i should've make less interaction with people , i guess. 

January 30, 2015


Anxiety and depression: Two of the most common causes of chronic insomnia. 
Most people suffering from an anxiety disorder or depression have trouble sleeping. What’s more, the sleep deprivation can make the symptoms of anxiety or depression worse. 

so yeah, my insomnia is not getting any better. at all.

December 31, 2014


Rindu pada sang kenangan membuat air mata sang perindu menitis pilu.

December 6, 2014


suatu hari,
kau di suatu sudut
sedang aku melihatmu
dalam nyata dan tidak.

suatu hari,
kita bertemu
matamu mataku
kita bersatu
dalam nyata dan tidak.

suatu hari,
aku terjaga
kau masih di situ
apa ini nyata atau tidak

kau yang hadir dalam mimpi,
menjelma di balik kabus
hilang ditelan bayang hitam

jangan kau pergi,
menunggu ku terus menunggu
biar ku menyusul

mimpi ini,
biar aku hilang di dalamnya.